Thursday, April 3, 2008


I was in the A-T-L this week for some training for the airport. I am now an official operations load agent. I know it's technical but basically I am in charge of getting all those big metal bitches off the ground and balanced enough to fly due to what's going on them. Yeah I don't get paid any more and get more responsibility. Basically I am still paid like crap to try and not cause planes to crash. The class was good and I learned a lot of good stuff out there. Airports are interesting places. They are really great for those of us who are people watchers. Nothing to do. Go to an airport.

If I have one problem with them is all the security people go through now. I know I know it's for our safety. Blah....Blah...Blah...

Security in (ATL) is hell. Even for employees it's still pretty bad.

Being there made me think of a time pre- 9/11 where a group of friends and I all drove to the airport from Montgomery. I was asked to pick something up there. Well we obviously had nothing else to do and headed over. After getting the goods we decided to walk around the airport. I don't remember much other than at one point

I was there with my (ex) girlfriend and these blind people walked up to us asking us where something was. We were downstairs near the moving sidewalks. I proceeded to give them directions the best I could. I made a fatal flaw of then pointing out where they needed to go from there. Duhh. In the meantime two of my friends were there to witness another blind person, who I ca n only assume was with the other two (they must travel in packs), streaming by only a moving sidewalk. He just happened to be going the opposite direction.. He was calling out for them. It was definitely a weird moment b/c of what we were doing, who we saw and the fact that all this went down around 11 or 12 o' clock at night (at least that late). To sum up we drove back stopped at a t'bell in College Park (sketchy) and ended up taking our shirts off. Well not all of us. :(

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